50 Short Years

How could it be 50 years? How could 50 years have passed since I graduated from the University of Virginia? I am a proud member of the first class of undergraduate women admitted to The University in the Fall of 1970, graduating four years later in May of 1974. I returned this past weekend for our 50th reunion. It was magical, truly magical.

The reunion weekend was filled with accolades for the trailblazing class of undergraduate women, 350 women who joined 9,000 plus (may I say?) boys in that first year, graduating four years later. There were many stories of that significant first year, when we weathered the storms of a major cultural change, changing a conservative male university into a coeducational institution. One of the reunion weekend events was the taking of a commemorative professional photo of the Class of 1974 Women which will be unveiled in September and hung in perpetuity at the University.

Our entire 1974 class was honored in so many ways during the reunion. We won several trophies, including the trophy for the largest amount donated to the University, an amount greater than 64 million dollars! Let that sink in; 64 million dollars. An amazing amount of money for an amazing institution.

The Alumni staff, volunteers, and many others hosted a phenomenal reunion weekend. There was more food than anyone needed to eat, but did anyway, with lunches, cocktail parties, and dinners that spanned three days. While there was plenty of walking, there was also convenient and free parking. There were informative sessions by 1974 alumni including politico Larry Sabato, a Town Hall Meeting featuring UVA President Jim Ryan, and several sessions of 1974 women graduates sharing their (some good, some not) memories of those very important years.  

While the reunion was a time of reconnecting with old friends for many, for me it was more a meeting of new friends. I have not done a good job of staying connected to classmates from that time in my life.  I went to the reunion alone, and that turned out to be a positive experience. Being alone forced me to engage with people I did not know, enjoying getting to know some people whom I never would have met otherwise.  

It was a whirlwind weekend. I will long treasure going down memory lane for three short days at The University. My University. The University of Virginia.

About Patti Fralix

Patti Fralix inspires positive change in work, life, and family through Speaking, Consulting, and Coaching in three specialty areas: Leadership, Managing Differences, and Customer Service. Her leadership firm, The Fralix Group, Inc., has been helping clients achieve practical and tangible results for twenty-two years.
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