Tag Archives: goals

A New Season

With the recent advent of Daylight Savings Time, it seems that Spring has already sprung. Daylight savings Time arrived in all U.S. states except Arizona and Hawaii on Sunday, March 10th.  Although all of us do not appreciate that it … Continue reading

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How is It Going So Far This Year?

Four days into 2024, how is it going for you? Did you make New Year’s Resolutions? If so, have you kept them? Whatever your plan for the changes you want to make this year, daily focus is required. When we … Continue reading

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A New Year Awaits

Hard though it is to believe, here comes a new year. In just a few days, 2023 will be history, and 2024 will be on the horizon. What shall we make of this new year? It is time to review … Continue reading

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The Leadership Model

The focus of this month’s blogs is Leadership. I define Leadership as Inspiring and Developing Others. Leadership is being played out on the world stage with what is happening in Ukraine and around the globe. It is also being played … Continue reading

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We Can Be Right, and Still Be Wrong

We have three choices when faced with conflict. We can avoid it, ignore it, or confront it. To “confront” it does not mean to be confrontational, it means to address it, to deal with it. Sometimes the best approach is … Continue reading

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How Do We Spend Our Time?

Summer is passing quickly, and you may have a lot left that you want to do before fall arrives. Whether you have children who will be back in school soon or whether you are back working physically at an office, … Continue reading

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Changing Me from the Inside Out

I went back to WW today, the first time since October of 2017. I have been paying monthly yet not going during that time. I have avoided the WW scale, although I get on my scale at home every day … Continue reading

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Time Waits for No One

How do you plan your days, weeks, months, and years? Or do you? Perhaps you are more likely to take time as it comes, without even a thought of planning. After all, isn’t there too much to do in the … Continue reading

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A New Year is Upon Us!

It is day two of a brand-new year! Whether or not 2018 was all that you wanted it to be, it is now in the history books. Let’s look ahead to this new year and all that we want it … Continue reading

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Bloom Where You are Planted

  April has come, and Spring is in full force. We have once again made it through the coldest months of the year, and now can look forward to warmer and longer days and the outdoor activities they bring. We … Continue reading

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